Law is one of the most popular & interesting subjects today. With its variety and vastness through different job opportunities and professions, it has left no field untouched. Besides being a mark of status, it is now a basis for legal practice. It has opend up new avenues in the sectors like Commerce, Industry, IT and so on at national and international levels. As law touches every aspect of life, its knowledge enhances an awareness of all kinds of issues. The knowledge of law enables a student face new challenges of life and solve the problems realistically in the context of social, political, moral and philosophical issues. A student who aspires to be a strong citizen of the world should find a law degree course an attractive and beneficial discipline.
Why Dr. B. A. M. College of Law, Dhule ?
Dr. B. A. M. College of Law, Dhule is one of the oldest law colleges in Khandesh (North Maharashtra). Since its inception on 6th Dec. 1975, it has been successfully catering legal education and rendeing valuable service to the society. With the inspirational meeting of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the renowned lawyer and a great social worker late Adv. Raosaheb Ashokji Nile sowed the seed of law college which has now bloomed into a tree giving flowers, fruit & shade to hundreds of students every year .This is the only college that has the glorious past as many of its students are either occupying eminent positions or are successful lawyers. It has the maximum number of gold medalists in the recent past. With well-qualified, devoted and ambitious principal; young, talented, committed & exeperienced members of academic community & kind, co-operative and dedicated non-teaching staff, the college has been nurturing qualitative legal education.
The college always strives to bring out the best of all its members. Having a long and distinguished history of academic excellence and innovation since its establishment, the aim has been to provide the finest opportunities and environment for teaching and learning. The basic principle behind the foundation of the college was to impart legal education to the socially and economically weaker sections of society so that they would be brought into the main stream. We try our best in facilitating a relaxed & flexible environment to allow students to grow & develop at their own pace. With a commitment to social service, we amalgamate theory & practice through the courses which are the product of critical thought & experiment.