Our Homage

Buddhawasi Adv. Raosaheb Ashokji Nile
Founder Chairman (WKDSPM)

Late Nanasaheb Uttamrao Patil
Founder Vice-Chairman (WKDSPM)

Late Aabasaheb Mr. V.R. Patil
Welcome to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial College of Law
Vision :
Becoming an incredible center of excellence and knowledge in teaching, research extension activities and to promote legal knowledge to the downtrodden and to live with dignity and self-esteem.
Mission :
- To be the central of brilliance in the preservation, innovation, progression and propagation of legal knowledge.
- To produce competent persons with expertise in law reckoning the new trends in the world order thoroughly equipped to cater the complexities of the different situations.
- To adopt best practices for promotion of research, consultancy and extension, teaching-learning process and best practices in the development of infrastructure and learning resources.
- To empower the downtrodden through legal education especially to the weaker sections of society that comprises of the tribal, rural & backward class communities.
Goals / Objectives :
The college aims at :
Becoming an incredible centre of excellence and knowledge in teaching, research and extension activities.
Increasing local linkages by attracting local students and establishing collaborative programmes with educational and other institutions of repute to impart legal education.
Providing value-based and high quality education. To promote consciousness about concept, power, function, role and responsibility of legal fraternity among young and adults through a comprehensive course of legal studies.
To facilitate students to understand the ‘broader principles’ involved in the conservation of human life, liberty and dignity with the help of law as the basis for such understanding.
To impart legal education to the socially and economically weaker sections of society that comparises of tribal, rural and backward classes and communities to bring them into the mainstream.
To impart a continuing and well organised legal education reckoning the new trends in the world order, to meet the evergrowing challenges.
To utilize opportunities for development of personality and creativity among students.
To establish linkages with University/State and National Research Institutions for research and extension activities.